If you're not familiar with Fair Oaks Avenue, or if you've never been to this taqueria, you probably won't find it. Why? Because it's located inside Chavez Supermarket. As you enter the market you smell baked goods to your left, while the smell of fresh raw meat mixed with a taqueria smell lingers throughout the market. When I step into the market I make a beeline past the registers, through the fruit and vegetable section, finding myself staring at the refrigerated section while waiting to make my order. I apologize for not taking pictures of the menu, I rarely look at the menu since I already know what I want.
From fresh carne asada to chivo (goat) to caramones (shrimp) they also offer menudo on the weekends.
They chop your meat in front of you, if any chopping is neccessary.
I think the guy knew I was a food paparazzi, who else would recieve their burrito in this special bag?
I had the burrito artist cut my burrito in half. Could you share something this disgustingly good?
I couldn't, but I had to.
his chile verde burrito
Chavez Supermarket
666 N Fairoaks Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94085 (408) 736-3793
Man it look so good. I think i will get one tomorrow!
i'm so jealous of you...
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