Saturday, March 22, 2008

Breakfast Biscuit

Who's kitchen is THAT?? Ok, you got me, it's mine.

There's no way I could maintain a kitchen this clean and continue to cook in this kitchen. If I were to keep my kitchen this clean, I wouldn't cook for several days just so I could admire the cleanliness. In this case, I'm going out of town, and since my neighbors are cat-sitting for me, I didn't want to scare her with bottles of fish sauce and/or clutter. Plus the boy and the girl like to jump on the counters, so keeping a knife out wouldn't be such a great idea.

I had a bad experience with using chemicals around the house, it effected my past pet (we miss you oscar the hamster). So being the hippie that I am, I started mixing lemon juice, vinegar and water (1/4c: 2tbspn : 1c) as my cleaning products. I find it to be effective, and safer for the cats as well as the humans. I don't have to fear inhaling the fumes (once I inhaled by accident and my nose hairs started to burn. No seriously, it was really an accident!) My kitchen felt squeaky clean with a lemony, soury (or whatever vinegar smells like) smell. I'd rather smell that than nose-hair-burning smells. Just thought I'd share that with you.

So in this squeaky clean kitchen, I didn't want to dirty it up since it took some time to clean it, plus I had food I needed to eat before I went out of town. I was also craving the breakfast sandwich from an unnamed fast food restaurant (yeah I admit it, I like fast food from time to time) but money is low, I can't even afford fast food, so I have to make my own fast food.

1 biscuit
1 egg
1 slice deli cheese ( I had pepper jack on hand)
1/2 c frozen spinach
1 tsp cream/milk/half&half/water or whatever you want
salt & pepper to taste

1.) throw your biscuit in the toaster oven to revive it from the cold. (unless you enjoy cold biscuits, then power to ya)
2.) microwave your frozen spinach. I defrosted it at first, but got tired so I microwaved it on HIGH for 45 seconds.

3.) in the meantime, crack your egg in a microwave safe cup. I used my plastic measuring up since the diameter fits perfectly for the biscuit. Add your liquid and whisk with a fork.

4.) remove spinach from microwave, pop your egg in and microwave on HIGH for 1 minute, more or less.

5.) take a few paper towels, add spinach and ring out as much of the water as you can. set aside.

heres my assembly line
6.) I'm not into cold cheese, so I slice my biscuit in half and broiled the cheese on the top half of the biscuit. I ended up folding my cheese in half because it overlapped the biscuit by a lot.
7.) assemble as you like. for me i like spinach on the bottom, egg in the middle and cheese on top, just because it seems to make sense to me

All you need is a side of ketchup and tapatio hot sauce and breakfast is ready!

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